101 Must-Read Articles to Become a Pro Blogger ~ Pro Blogger Guide
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

101 Must-Read Articles to Become a Pro Blogger

Here is a listing of 101 must-read articles which have enough information to help you to become a pro blogger.


“Content is King”, you might read it hundred times before and you might got sick and tired of that line, like anyone else, but it’s plain truth. Here are few articles that will help you in creating A-class content.


Traffic is the reward for quality content and the gateway to money and fame.
Here are a few articles with useful tips on attracting traffic.

Link building (Baiting) and Social Media Marketing

Inbound links, the next phase of traffic which will eventually get you high PR in search engines, increase your market value among advertisers, and make sure that you have good traffic coming even if you’re taking a break. Here are some well written articles on this subjects.

Blogger’s Block

Every author has to go through this and sometimes quite often. You feel that you don’t have any content to blog and you are surely affected with a curable disease called blogger’s block. Here are a few remedies for it.

“Fan” building

Nothing is viral than mouth to mouth publicity. Your fans will do the job for you. Fans can be in the form of subscribers, community members or frequent visitors. Whatever the type may be, they are always good for the blog.

Wisdom of the Blogosphere

Articles in this section contains pieces of wisdom gained through experiences from the blogosphere which has enough information to give you the right mindet to propel your blog to heights.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the list, I sure will read them. More power!

Anonymous said...

Simple outstanding.....


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