Tips to Get Slashdotted and Survive Slashdot Effect ~ Pro Blogger Guide
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tips to Get Slashdotted and Survive Slashdot Effect

What is the meant by getting Slashdotted? Did Slashdotters visit your site? If you dont know the answer, probably your site traffic has never been slashdotted before.

Slashdotting is like a web traffic generator leads to many comments, lots of website traffic, more advertising revenue, crashed servers and expired bandwidth leading to more web hosting payments… the web traffic stats and web traffic analysis will say all. Welcome to Slashdot or better seen as /.

Wikipedia defines The Slashdot effect as “a particular example of how incoming links from a popular website can cause a smaller site to slow down or even temporarily close due to the increased traffic. The name comes from the huge influx of web traffic that often results from sites being mentioned on Slashdot, a popular technology news and information site. Typically, less robust sites are unable to cope with the huge increase in traffic and become unavailable – either their bandwidth is consumed or their servers fail to cope with the high strain.” [Another one]

Here is a collection of tips and tricks to get your site Slashdotted!

  • VirtuOffice : How To Get Slashdotted - “Some Experiments In Slashdottery. “If you’re really looking to participate in the Slashdot effect, you may be overlooking some really easy alternatives.
  • Nicholas Roussos: How-To Get Slashdotted, The Easy Way - “I found an easy way to get them to link to your site. Yes, easy, it took me five tries the first time. Anything that you can do in five tries is easy. My second link didn’t even take that long.”
  • How-To Get Slashdotted, The Easy Way (continued) - “I recieved this email from Tim Lord with an unofficial and incomplete submission guide.”
  • (A Few) Words on Slashdot Submissions - “What makes a perfect Slashdot submission? A perfect Slashdot submission should make you want to cry, it is so good.
  • Slashdot FAQ : Why didn’t you post my story? - “Slashdot gets hundreds of submissions every day. Every day our authors go through these submissions, and try to select the most interesting, timely, and relevant ones to post to the homepage. There are probably as many reasons for stories to get rejected as there are stories, but here are some of the more common ones”

More stories about slashdotted experiences and preparing to get slashdotted

There are some other tools to help during slashdotting

  • MirrorDot - When Slashdot posts a new story, MirrorDot automagically parses the story and mirrors any linked pages and keeps your site buzz going.
  • Network Mirror - automatically mirror any Slashdot-linked pages and ensure the content would remain available, even if the original site went down trying to solve the Slashdot effect.

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