10 Killer Ways to Increase Blog Traffic and Stickiness ~ Pro Blogger Guide
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

10 Killer Ways to Increase Blog Traffic and Stickiness

was reading Mike's post over at Twenty Steps entitled "How to get traffic to your website for free".

In it he lists 5 great methods:

1. Subscribe to forums related to your subject. Include your website in your auto signature and don't ever mention your site directly for fear of being branded a spammer;
2. Leave comments on related blogs;
3. Create a newsletter and send it to subscribers;
4. Trade links with other sites in your niche;
5. Write articles;

He ends his post with a call for more ideas for increasing traffic so I thought I would add to that list:

6. Write killer posts that will guarantee regular traffic to your site. I define a "killer post" as one that is designed specifically for your targeted niche market and covers a topic that you know your readers are looking for. So even if I don't write as often as I should, those posts will keep traffic coming in regularly to my blog.

7. Pack those posts with specific keywords that you know your targeted market is looking for on the search engines so they can find you. And don't forget to put the most important keyword in your post title too.

8. Put your best posts prominently in your sidebar. That will increase 'stickiness' to your site and showcase your best stuff to new readers that might not be familiar with your work.

9. Put a "similar reading" list at the bottom of your post pointing to other work that covers a similar topic. And now that I mention it, most bloggers often forget about the sorely neglected "post" page. (That is the permalink address where your post actually resides, separate from your main page). You can add more lists to your template there, RSS links, advertising, etc... the skies the limit. Most of your incoming traffic will land on your post page so get it working for you.

10. Write often and they will come. This one is an extension of #5. The more that you write, the more posts you are throwing out into the blogosphere, and the more chances you will have getting hit. The bottom line is you will catch more fish with more than one pole. It's a numbers game so play it.

11. Whoops, did I say 10? Ok, I lied. Remember to add your posts to social bookmarks such as Del.icio.us and Furl. Make it easy for your readers to bookmark your post by providing links within your template including content aggregators such as Digg and Reddit like I do at the bottom of my posts.

12. Trackback on the back of your competitor's success. Search Google to find who is getting the top ten hits for your particular niche. Visit their post page and find the trackback link and ping it, or if they don't have trackback leave a comment with a link back to yours. Or if they offer backlinks such as Blogger does, just link to their post and watch the traffic come in. Believe me when I say this tip alone will you bring tons of traffic.

Ok, now it's your turn. Let's turn this thread into a viral thing. What other ideas can you add to the list?

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