Will One Popular Post Make Your Blog Successful? ~ Pro Blogger Guide
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Will One Popular Post Make Your Blog Successful?

First, let me ask you this question: Do you believe that a jackpot post exist in blogging - one post that can turn your blog successful? I’m sure many of you will go for a NO answer with an argument that success in blogging is all about hard work and consistent high quality post. I agree with you but reserve a second opinion on this. Why? This post will tell you exactly why.

Let me clear my premise. Maintaining a successful blog and turning a blog to become successful are two different things. I believe that maintaining successful blog comes only by hard work and consistent delivery of high quality post. I also believe there are two paths to turn a blog successful. One is all about hard work and consistent delivery of high quality post. The other one is by a post that turns to be very, very popular, the jackpot post.

Let us now look at the difference between high quality post and popular post. High quality post is all about the structure and the message itself. They are all good candidates to become very popular post but only few of them will turn to be very popular. But what can a jackpot post bring?

The jackpot post can bring your blog:
  • a surge amount of traffic - This happens right after posting and will run for about 2 to 5 days. You will definitely notice a spike of traffic from your blog’s statistic.
  • a tremendous amount of inbound links - You will definitely notice your blog’s technorati ranking increasing. The traffic from the newly generated inbound links will run indefinitely.
  • a higher traffic from search engine return - Remember, search engine consider inbound link as a vote of trust in favor of your blog. The higher the trust is, the higher the traffic your blog will be receiving from search engines. This traffic will last indefinitely.

Let me site an example of a very popular post and the benefits it bring. The post entitled 66 Successful Bloggers and What they can teach you is considered very popular post. It’s popularity has been described by another post entitled Blogging and the Long Tail – What every blogger needs to know. The later post basically tells us the following points:
  • around 8000 visits are made 3 days after posting
  • Technorati recorded an increase of more than 50 inbound links from other blogs 3 days after posting
  • additionally, a sister site, KnowMoreMedia, enjoyed a huge spike in traffic - double the normal traffic it usually receives.

What happens in the next week, even month and beyond of a spike in traffic is expected to be more than what happens in the first few days. According to Bill Bewel, If the long tail is a true phenomenon, and it is, I can indeed expect more visits and possibly more links in the days and weeks to come than I got in the first couple of days that the 66 Bloggers made the rounds.

One important question here is that: Can we intentionally create a popular post? I’d like to answer this, we can’t. It’s totally market driven. But as they say: you may not be able to control the market but you can certainly influence the market. What does this mean? While we cannot intentionally create a popular post, we can create a post with great popularity potential. How? Visit How to Turn Your Blog Into a Link Magnet?

One final word: If you cannot find your one jackpot post, just keep on giving high quality content. As I said before, there are two paths to turn a blog successful. One is all about hard work and consistent delivery of high quality post. The other one is by a post that turn to be very, very popular.

You may agree or disagree about what I believe or what just I said. But if you think your ideas will be fruitful for my blog readers, maybe you got some ideas that can add value to this content, feel free to place it to the comment section.

Good luck!

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